Work with Me


Check out The Tools for more information on the modalities I pull from.

I also teach yoga classes in Vancouver, BC and share Yoga, Fitness, Whole-Food Plant-Based Nutrition, and Human Design on myĀ YouTube channel.

I have decided to remove the Human Design specific offerings. As I've developed my capacity to speak about energy and my intuition, I feel it is now time for me to shift my offerings to allow this wider focus. There is still the option to include your birth information in the booking if you'd like your Design to factor into the reading.

Soul Alignment Reading

I work with your Akashic Council to provide you with this Energy/Soul Reading.

Before our call I take time to connect with your Akashic Council and receive their guidance regarding your current experience and what your Soul is asking you to do - mission/purpose.

I may also read your Chakras, spend time in your Akashic Records, and perform any needed healings.

When we meet I shareĀ the information I've received for youĀ and we have a discussion around any further questions. I may provide any additional healingsĀ to assist in further aligning your Soul Energy.

This is for you if you feel "off" or out of alignment, but you're not sure why. This is also for you if you are ready for a change in your life and want your Soul's energy to be aligned in this next phase.

Please comment in the booking if there is something specific you'd like insight on.
Please include your birth time, date, and location if you'd like Human Design to factor into this reading.

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Soul Notes

This is for those time when you might not need a full reading, but you have a question and would like a Soul Alignment check-in. I will perform an energy read and/or pull your Human Design with your question in mind. I will then send you a 5-10 minute voice note reading (within 1-week).

You can select if you'd like the note to use Human Design and/or Energy Reading.

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Soul Alignment Coaching

As your Soul Alignment Coach, I show up for you without judgement and meet you wherever you are - right now. I hold the space, vision, and accountability for you to discover your desires, uncover old limiting beliefs, claim your power, and consciously create your life!

You will strengthen your consciousness, connect with your intuition, and expand your capacity to live from a place of love.

As a Manifesting Generator, I work quickly and this coaching is for those who are ready to shake things up and move forward.

I bring skills from Co-Active Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, Human Design, Energy Reading, and my experience and intuition to this offering.

Soul Alignment Coaching is a 3-month container with three 45 minute sessions per month. Three months paid in full is $1423, or you can pay $522 per month.

Are We Aligned?