
energy expectations experience failure ilg learning life practice yoga off the mat Apr 01, 2017

Practice and all is coming ~Pattabhi Jois

Learning is messy!

You gain new knowledge, you get excited to implement that knowledge, you try out that new knowledge, fall...flat.on.your.face!

What happens when you fall?

I fluctuate between beating myself up and ignoring that it happened. Honesty. It can be ugly, but there you go. That's my current reality.

I am trying to get better at acknowledging the potential for growth, and inquiring where I could improve.

The learning curve is:

  1. Unconsciously Incompetent
  2. Consciously Incompetent
  3. Consciously Competent
  4. Unconsciously Competent

Guess where we get to be when we're learning new skills!? Consciously Incompetent! Yay!

That's right, we get to be all excited about learning something new, only to be smacked in the face with how incompetent we are at those new skills!

The good news is that we seem to learn best when we learn how not to do something! We don't like the feeling of failing so when we fail, we make sure that we don't do that thing again. Sometimes we learn many new ways to fail before we finally succeed.

The key is to just keep on practicing. As absolutely UNCOMFORTABLE as it is, it is the key to unlocking success!